Having your loan rejected after paying for the deposit of the houses will definitely let you have a headache. Not to mention the sophisticated process of refunding and cancelling the houses that you eyed upon. Unless you are a cash buyer, we all rely heavily on the loan approval for our house purchasing.
Some might be confused why their loan is rejected , or only approved with a low margin % of loan. Here are the tips to help you increase your chances of getting the loan approved. (Not guaranteed though but better chances!)
1) Your Affordability
The banks will definitely require you to submit all the documents such as your payslip and monthly commitments as they will use it to evaluate your ability to return the loans. Check your own affordability with your current salary range before you decide to buy the house. You can also look for financial planners to get a better idea of your current financial status.
2) Don't change your job... too often
Believe me, the banks can search for almost everything on your records. If you happen to jump around companies and could not stay on the same place for more than a year, they will be more reluctant to approve your loan. Reason? You might not be able to find a job on time to repay the mortgages.
3) Have a clean credit record
DO NOT BE LATE to pay off your credit card debts or student loans. They will stain your CCRIS record which can be checked by all banking institutions. If you get blacklisted, even after you pay the debts, it needs one whole year to clean your records off the desk.
You can easily get your CCRIS report from Bank Negara Malaysia or online through CCRIS website.
4) Show them your treasure box
Show them copies of your savings, be it from stock investments or fixed deposits. The more the merrier. Income from your side hustles can also be used in this case. This will put confidence to the banks to approve your loan as you have a lower chances of defaulting on the loan.
5) Get your pre-approved loan offer first
It allow the buyers learn the maximum they can borrow and therefore have an idea of their price range before picking any properties. However, all buyers should be careful to estimate their own comfort level with a housing payment rather than immediately aiming for the top of their spending ability.
Also, it gives you a better standing to negotiate on the property prices as you had already proved that you obtained the loan approval and will be able to buy the house anytime you want.